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030 856 13 77 20

As experienced lawyers, we support you in all matters of real estate law

We are your determined and competent partners in Berlin and across the country if you need legal assistance, advice or representation in the field of real estate law. Thanks to our many years of experience in theory and practice, we can always accomplish your goals in the best possible way.

The strategic focus of our work are the assessment and negotiation of purchase contracts, the reversal of real estate transactions, the enforcement of warranty claims, questions regarding the prohibition on the use of domestic property for other purposes (“Zweckentfremdungsverbot”) as well as legal assistance in disputes concerning brokerage agreements and conflicts in condominium owners associations.

Your experts for real estate law:

  • Over 10 years of experience in real estate law
  • Quick initial assessment of your case
  • Free coverage request with your legal expenses insurance
  • Support with purchase and sale of property
  • Review of purchase contracts
  • We assist in all fields connected to real estate and provide help with all problems concerning ownership and property

If you would like to make an appointment, please feel free to call us on 030 856 13 77 20 or send us an email via our Contact form.

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Real estate purchase

Without a marriage certificate

If couples buy a property together, many agreements should be made in writing – unless the new owners are married.

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Property prices

State and real estate prices

Rents continue to skyrocket, especially in the big cities, but also in the countryside. Rents have risen particularly rapidly in Berlin.

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Home ownership

Beware of credit traps

Experts recommend resisting bait offers and agreeing on an annual instalment of at least five percent from interest and repayment.

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Your experts for real estate law

Our range of services

Real Estate Law

Transfer of ownership or when surveying the area of the property – in property law, many legal disputes can arise that were not considered in advance.

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Commercial Tenancy Law

Renting commercial space is often associated with a number of risks. Therefore, a detailed examination should be carried out before concluding a rental contract.

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Specialists for Real Estate Law

Our dedicated lawyers have been working in the field of brokerage law for years and can answer all your questions and also represent you in court.

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Real estate purchase

As experienced real estate lawyers, we can provide you with legal certainty for the purchase of your property or represent you nationwide in the event of a dispute.

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Right of first refusal

You want to use your right of first refusal – but the owner of the property sees it differently? As lawyers for real estate law, we clarify your claims and represent you nationwide.

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Real estate purchase contract audit

We thoroughly check your real estate purchase contract, submit proposals for amendments and, in the worst case, also represent you in court.

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We stand up for your interests competently & assertively

Advice and representation in Berlin & nationwide

All legal topics relating to real estate are a focus of the legal work in our law firm in Berlin. Real estate law and real estate business law are among our specialisations. We are experienced in dealing with all relevant legal topics in the field of tenancy and real estate law.

Whether it is the private purchase or sale of real estate as part of your personal pension provision or whether you would like to invest in real estate as an investor – as lawyers for real estate law in Berlin & nationwide, we will competently and discreetly assist you with all legal issues.

We make sure that you get your right

Our range of services covers all relevant legal topics relating to the purchase and sale, financing, letting and management of real estate. The purchase and sale of real estate, as well as the financing of real estate and its management, are complex processes in which expert legal advice and support are particularly important. We specialise in this area and provide you with comprehensive support in all legal matters relating to your real estate project.

We serve clients from Germany and abroad – wealthy private individuals as well as companies and real estate investors. In addition to comprehensive legal support, we also offer you a solid network of specialised real estate financiers, brokers, notaries and banks. If you wish, we will be happy to help you establish the right contacts for you. The legal areas surrounding real estate are diverse. We advise you on all questions concerning real estate law, heritable building rights, condominium law and rental management.

Furthermore, we specialise in corporate law on all real estate topics and financing issues in the purchase of real estate and its management. In addition, we can advise you on all relevant issues in commercial tenancy law and support you in the disposal of your real estate under inheritance law (e.g. testamentary dispositions or succession arrangements).

*Legal advice and representation in all aspects of private and commercial property ownership in the purchase and sale of real estate, land and flats.

We develop contracts for the purchase and sale of real estate and support you until the real estate transaction is completed. We can support you in the notarial process and coordinate it for you. If required, we can also act as your legal representation in disputes in or out of court.

Further information on real estate law