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030 856 13 77 20

Real estate purchase

We advise & represent you as lawyers in all matters relating to the purchase & sale of real estate

We advise & represent you as lawyers in all matters relating to the purchase & sale of real estateOne of the bigger decisions in life is certainly the purchase of a home or a flat. For most people, this involves a long-term and high financial burden. The considerations for this decision are thoroughly and usually precisely calculated, so it would be all the more annoying if savings were made in the wrong place and a lawyer’s review of the documents was neglected. As experienced lawyers for real estate law, we can offer you legal certainty for the purchase of your property or represent you nationwide in the event of a legal dispute.

Your experts for real estate law:

  • Over 10 years of experience in real estate law
  • Quick initial assessment of your case
  • Free coverage request with your legal expenses insurance
  • Support with purchase and sale of property
  • Review of purchase contracts
  • We assist in all fields connected to real estate and provide help with all problems concerning ownership and property

If you would like to make an appointment, please feel free to call us on 030 856 13 77 20 or send us an email via our Contact form.

We advise & represent you in Berlin and nationwide in real estate purchases

As experienced lawyers for real estate law, we advise you nationwide on all matters relating to the purchase and sale of real estate.

We assert your interests - In Berlin & nationwide

The most important information on buying real estate

Once the decision to buy has been made and the right property has been found, the next challenge is the handling of the purchase. Comprehensive legal advice in the context of this decision – e.g. regarding the examination of the draft purchase contract, the registration in the land register or the handling of payments via a trustee – can bring a lot of security here.

Every real estate purchase or sale has individual peculiarities that are rarely sufficiently taken into account in standard contracts. However, if the particularities of the individual case are neither sufficiently nor professionally regulated in the contract, legal problems can be the result.

What to consider when buying a property