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Real estate law

As experienced lawyers, we advise & represent you in the purchase and sale of real estate

Whether it is the transfer of ownership or the measurement of the land area – many legal disputes also arise in real estate law that have not been considered in advance. A lawyer can advise in order to avoid disputes in advance. However, if there is a legal dispute, we represent our clients nationwide and can rely on our broad and deep experience in the field.

We represent and advise in all fields of law connected to real estate, most of which is regulated in the German Civil Code (BGB) and additional, also regional, statutes and regulations.

Your experts for real estate law:

  • Over 10 years of experience in real estate law
  • Quick initial assessment of your case
  • Free coverage request with your legal expenses insurance
  • Support with purchase and sale of property
  • Review of purchase contracts
  • We assist in all fields connected to real estate and provide help with all problems concerning ownership and property

If you would like to make an appointment, please feel free to call us on 030 856 13 77 20 or send us an email via our Contact form.

We advise & represent you in Berlin and nationwide in land law

You want to buy or sell a property and are looking for a competent lawyer who will reliably assist you?

We assert your interests - In Berlin & nationwide

The most important information on real estate law

First of all, there is the full right to the land, which denotes ownership. In addition, there are rights equivalent to real property, such as heritable building rights, and limited rights in rem. Limited rights in rem include usufruct, mortgages, land charges, annuities and mortgages.

In the legal sense, a plot of land is one or more parcels of land listed in a land register. It is a spatially limited part of the earth’s surface to which also belongs everything that is connected to it below and above the surface.

Since land often represents a high value, special contractual procedures have been established for the transfer of rights to it. In principle, the transfer of real property as a gift contract or a contract for the sale of real property requires notarial certification, which is laid down by law in the German Civil Code.

This is to ensure comprehensive clarification of the contracting parties, which the notary must provide. He informs the contracting parties of all relevant legal consequences associated with the transfer of a property.

What to consider when buying a purchase of land