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030 856 13 77 20

Commercial tenancy law

As experienced lawyers, we support you in all areas of commercial tenancy law

Renting commercial space is often associated with a number of risks. Therefore, before signing a lease contract, a detailed examination should be carried out. Anyone who wants to rent a commercial property usually has a long-term perspective in mind and accordingly needs security when renting commercial space.

We advise you on all issues relating to the preparation of the contract, the preliminary contract and the conclusion of the contract and provide you with competent support when issues such as subletting, change of parties, purpose of use, duty to operate or protection against competition need to be regulated within the framework of the commercial lease. We are also your contact for issues relating to the extension of the contract, rent increases, service charge settlements or deposits and guarantees.

Your experts for real estate law:

  • Over 10 years of experience in real estate law
  • Quick initial assessment of your case
  • Free coverage request with your legal expenses insurance
  • Support with purchase and sale of property
  • Review of purchase contracts
  • We assist in all fields connected to real estate and provide help with all problems concerning ownership and property

If you would like to make an appointment, please feel free to call us on 030 856 13 77 20 or send us an email via our Contact form.

We advise & represent you in Berlin and nationwide in commercial tenancy law

We advise and represent you in all matters relating to the initiation of a contract, the preliminary contract and the conclusion of a contract as well as in termination proceedings.

We assert your interests - In Berlin & nationwide

The most important information on commercial tenancy law

In contrast to residential tenancy law, the tenant of a commercial property is less protected and has fewer rights. For example, provisions of the German Civil Code (BGB) for residential premises regarding the setting of the rent do not apply to tenancies of commercial premises. The protection against eviction under residential tenancy law is also not transferable to commercial tenancy law.

Since most of the protective provisions for tenants of residential premises do not apply to the rental of commercial premises, the contractual design of a commercial lease agreement is particularly important for the tenant in order to establish sufficient safeguards for the rental here.

What to bear in mind when signing a commercial lease agreement